“Unremarried Widow” — A Military Wife’s Memoir

The Military Spouse Book Review

reviewed by Simone Gorrindo (Army)

When Andria first asked me to review Artis Henderson’s debut memoir, Unremarried Widow, I was hesitant.

I’d been wanting to read the book for some time, but the cliché is true: that knock on my front door really is my worst nightmare. There’s a dark corner of my mind where that nightmare lives, a place I try my best to avoid, and I knew that to read Henderson’s grief would be to go to that place and stay there for a while. And parts of Henderson’s book were painful to read – I wept when the casualty officers informed her, in standard cold military language, of her husband’s death; when she discovered a video of him among his things that he’d intended to send her before he died; when she took off her wedding ring for the first time. But, mostly, I felt awe…

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Too much rain in northern part of India not only affects crops and farmers but also vanish the dwelling place of the people living there.

Continuous rain in kashmir destroy the life and home of the natives.is this a alert ⚠ from God to wash our sin and enter into the world 🌍 of sincerity and truthfulness or something else.